Yorkshire Terrier Club of America, Inc. Code of Ethics
As a member of the Yorkshire Terrier Club of America, inc., I agree to uphold the principles of the Club's Constitution, Bylaws, Code of Ethics and Code of Conduct and will protect the interests of the Yorkshire Terrier in the manner reflecting credit to myself, the Breed, and the Club. I agree to comply with all AKC Rules and regulations.
While understanding that the circumstances facing each individual member are different, the Codes set forth a standard of canine husbandry all Club members should strive to achieve.
The code is intended to provide each member fundamental behavior principles which will guide the Club, the Yorkshire Terrier breed and each member well in nearly all situations.
Yorkshire Terrier Club of America, Inc.
Code of Ethics
1) A breeder-member shall strive to conform to the Yorkshire Terrier Standard as approved by the American Kennel Club, to improve progeny, and to reduce faults to a minimum.
2) Members shall comply with the rules of the American Kennel Club concerning
record keeping and the registration, identification, sale, and transfer of dogs.
3) Members shall refer potential puppy purchasers to other reputable breeders and be helpful and courteous to those who request information about the breed
4) All contractual terms and conditions relating to Yorkshire Terriers shall be reduced to writing and shall be honored by a member..
5) All stud dogs and bitches shall be screened prior to breeding for both infectious
and hereditary diseases using the currently accepted and available techniques.
6) A breeder-member selling puppies or offering stud services shall fully disclose to potential clients any serious or disabling hereditary defects, including the reasonable possibility of such defects. Such health defects shall be stated in writing.
7) A member shall not defame another member or the YTCA nor seek to impair a member's or the YTCA's reputation, provided however, a member shall report any serious situation, created by another member, that is detrimental to the breed or is inconsistent with these principles. This report should be in writing and sent to the Club Secretary.
8) A member's advertising: -shall be professional in appearance and location; -may refer to YTCA membership but may not misuse YTCA membership to attempt to enhance integrity or the quality of stock; -shall not contain any misleading photograph or other graphic materials; -shall not use terms such as "teacup", "tiny specialists", "doll faced", or similar terminology.
9) Members shall sponsor an applicant for membership only if the member has personally known the applicant for a minimum of two years. At least one of the sponsoring members must have visited the applicant's facility one or more times during the two years immediately preceding the application date. Sponsorship is not to be taken lightly. Each sponsor must understand YTCA and the Yorkshire Terrier are represented by each and every member individually, and careful consideration should be given to each candidate.
1) Assistance and encouragement shall be willingly offered by members to Show Novices and others needing advice and guidance. The welfare of the breed will be in their hands in the future.
2) All dogs will be kept under safe and sanitary conditions, be given proper nutrition, protection, and maximum health care including regular inoculations as advised by the member's veterinarian.
3) Healthy spacing between litters will be a priority and unspayed bitches will be protected from unplanned matings. Bitches will in no case be bred before their second heat or before they are at least eighteen (18) months of age, whichever comes first, nor be placed at risk by an unreasonable number of cesarean sections and then only with the concurrence of a veterinarian.
4) Puppies will not be sold or consigned to pet stores, agents, or other commercial enterprises nor sold to disreputable breeders, and neither puppies, adult dogs, nor stud services will be offered as prizes or for raffles.
5) Prospective buyers will be screened as thoroughly as possible to determine their intent, as well as their ability and interest in providing a safe, adequate, loving environment and a long term relationship with a puppy or adult dog.
6) All puppies and dogs offered for sale will be sold with written sales agreements to include clear terms and conditions and be signed by the seller and buyer. The contract will request that the seller be contacted in the event that at any time the owner is unable to keep the dog, it will be the obligation of the seller to assist in the placement of the dog in question.
7) Purchasers will be required to neuter/spay all puppies sold as pets. If specified in the written sales contract, the seller will promptly release limited registration forms upon receipt of a veterinarian's certification of such spaying or neutering.
8) All puppies leaving the breeders possession will be a minimum of twelve (12) weeks of age to facilitate adequate socialization as well as appropriate emotional and temperament development through interaction with siblings, dam and other dogs.
9) Breeders will provide puppy buyers with written details of feeding, general care, date and types of a minimum of two (2) inoculations, as well as dates of wormings, grooming instructions, etc. and be available to offer future advice as needed.
10) Stud service will be offered only by and to AKC Full Registered, or registered with an AKC approved foreign registry, healthy, mature dogs and bitches, respectively, and only of sound temperament. The dogs and bitches should be free of serious congenital and hereditary defects. Stud service will be refused for any mating which is considered to not be in the best interest of the breed which includes dogs and bitches with Q Registration in their pedigrees, and dogs and bitches of any color, or combination of colors not specified in the standard. Members will not sell dogs of such colors as exotic or rare.
11) Animals recently exposed to the risks of infectious diseases and bitches with nursing
whelp will not be exhibited.